
Spring Green

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away!" - unknown

Spring is my favorite season.  Each day new plants show themselves.  The kids start to play outside more.  People seem to smile more.  It's the season that reveals a bright happy green color everywhere.  You see it outside when the leaves start to grow on the trees or with new growth on plants.

These pictures of our yard capture the "spring green"...

The color of our house is a testament to one of my favorite colors...

Also the neighborhood's flowering cherry trees are a real treat each Spring!

The green outside inspired me to bring a little green inside... 

The picture of the canoe in the background was taken by my dad when we were vacationing in the Adirondacks a couple years ago.  I admit I'm a little biased but I think he's a super talented photographer whose work you can check out here...Colby Munger Photography.

Below is an oil painting by Mary Streaker of my children sitting on a neighbor's pier a couple years ago.  

Hellebore is a wonderful plant that grows well in dry sandy soil in the shade.  I can get cuttings most of the year from this great plant!

Don't hesitate to bring inside "spring green" too so it feels like spring all the time!  Enjoy these pictures with this great color...

Don't miss my guest bedroom design in the Washington Post House Calls column to be printed on Thursday, May 5th in the Local Living section!  On Thursday, you will be able to see the full article here...House Calls where you can comment on the design.

Also, I love to hear your feedback and ideas!!!  Please take a minute to add a comment to the post!


  1. Thanks for all the "greenery" and spring photos. Your blogs always make me smile.


  2. I love the green spring photos, but the cherry blossoms are my favorite! Our blossoms are long gone... AND you are not biased, your dad's photograhpy is amazing! I would like to have the green slipcoverd chaise in your photos and gaze at my lovely photograph from Colby all day!

  3. Wow, I always love spring too! Thanks for the beautiful photos!!

  4. Green is my favourite too. I've recently renovated a beach house using a neutral palette with green accents. The result is tropical. I even painted the wicker furniture green. Amber

  5. Congratulations on your expansion. Good luck to your new assistant!!


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